Agriculture and Allied Sciences
An agriculturist, agriculturalist, agrologist or agronomist is a professional in the science, practice, andmanagement of agriculture and agribusiness.
Agriculture Engineer
Agriculture requires theextensive use of machinery, buildings, water lines, and waste management, allwhich require expert knowledge to keep the food supply safe. Engineers in the agriculture industryinclude positions of designing equipment and machines.
Agricultural Equipment Manufacturing
Manufacturing Agriculture Machinery and Tools for use in performing farm operations, such as thepreparation and maintenance of soil; planting, harvesting or threshing; field spraying; and preparingcrops for market; or for use in horticultural and residential lawn care, Improving Harvest Technology &Renewable Energy.
Agriculture Production
Agricultural officers deal with pesticides, fertilizers, agrochemical businesses, and seed industries, food,and feed processing units. They are also sought for managing agricultural and horticultural farms, organicfarms, and Poly house/green-house cultivation of vegetables and flowers in India and abroad.
Agriculture Officer
Open up your own production house or farm of any raw product or get intodairy farming. Get involvedin the production of Fruit Crops, Medicinal Plants, Aromatic Plants, Flower Production, Spices, PlantationCrops or Agriculture based Chemical Manufacturing.